Jackie's Tips

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·       Cut down all deciduous ornamental grasses left standing over winter before any fresh shoots appear.


·       Divide large clumps of snowdrops once flowered and replant to start new colonies.


·       Trim winter-flowering heathers as the flowers disappear, to prevent plants becoming leggy.


·       Cut back wisteria side shoots down to three buds from the base – this will encourage flowers in the spring.


·       Place slow-release fertiliser around base of roses and any other flowering shrubs.


·       Prepare your vegetable beds for sowing – weeding thoroughly and then cover with a thick layer of compost.


·       Prune apple trees and pear trees while they are dormant in the winter. Leave apricot, cherry and plum trees until the summer as pruning them now will make them susceptible to Silver Leaf disease.


·       Force your rhubarb plants for an early crop.


·       Plant your summer bulbs in pots indoors, including agapanthus, begonias, eucomis and lilies.


·       Remove any faded flowers from winter pansies to stop them setting seed. This will enhance a flush of fresh flowers when the weather warms up.


·       Plant all bare root bushes, canes and trees but make sure the ground is not frozen.


·       Make sure your greenhouse heaters are working properly by checking their temperatures with max-min thermometer.


·       Remove all faded / yellow leaves from plants to prevent any fungal diseases.


·       Keep greenhouse windows inside / outside clean to let in lots of light.


·       Keep the controlling against slugs and snails in your garden.


·       Regularly check your house plants for pests i.e. aphids, scale insects, thrips, and mealybugs.


·       Service garden mowers and all tools, so they are in good order for spring.


·       Keep of the grass when there is a frost, as the blades are likely to damage.


·       Install new water butts ready for spring /summer. All house plants prefer rainwater, as they are in the wild.


·       Wash your used and empty pots by scrubbing them with hot water and a mild detergent. Making sure their well.


·       House plants are prone to collect dust on their leaves. Make sure you wipe them regularly.


·       Reduce watering most house plants now.


·       Keep feeding your feather friends. It is still cold this month so make sure their feeders are always full!